A yellow background with clouds and trees

4. All Of Humanity Needs Salvation

Salvation is not just about avoiding eternal damnation. It is also about living a life of purpose and meaning. When we are saved, we are given a new perspective on life, and we are empowered to live a life that is pleasing to God. We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are free to live a life that is full of joy, peace, and love. More importently, God created us to have a rich family dynamic with Him. He yearns for us to reach out and spend quality time with Him. He desperately wants to make Himself known to us. He wants to do more for us than let us live, use up His world, and die with no future.

We all experience brokenness, pain, and imperfection having inherited a sinful nature from the first human beings (Adam and Eve). They fell from their glorious nature and inherited a sinful nature when they disobeyed God. As a result we inherited the curse of being hellbound. Additionally, mortals were not bound to a specific time frame of life until humans had almost become extinct due to their lack of self-control and utter disregard for God, our Holy Creator.

Ancient humans lived for hundreds of years and some nearly one thousand years. Therfore, if Adam and Eve had not sin, perhaps they would have retained their human nature but still live forever in God’s presence in their Holy Sanctuary (The Garden of Eden) where it all began for us.

But like them, we all have moments of weakness as we struggle with our own sin. Sometimes, we entertain sin and unrighteous behavior because we don’t want to cause anyone in our immediate circles to feel uncomfortable or we don’t want seem boring, religious, or stuck up. It is important to note that not even the most devout Christian is exempt from the fight against their sinful nature.

This presents a problem for humanity, because we cannot experience eternity with God while are in this sinful state. The scriptures reveal that our Holy Creator limited our lifespan to 120 years, if we live a full life. Our most recent generations show that the normal mortality rate is around 80 years. However, living any length of time is not promised to us. Some are stillborn, some live a bit longer, some die in their prime, and some live to age well to 120 years. But, none of us know when the end of our time will come.

Consequently, we should all endeavor to gain knowledge of God by studying His written word, seeking His guidance prayerfully, and requesting Him to disclose His truth to us so that we are not led astray by every strange doctrine or new religion. We should ask God to forgive us for the sins we have committed and work towards living a productive and purposeful life.

But we should take note here that despite our best efforts we cannot be successful as God intends for us to be. We need the grace of God and salvation offered only by faith in Christ Jesus to help us journey through this life. He is the Messiah whom the Old Testament refers to and He bridges the gap between our imperfection and the perfection of our Holy God.

As we follow the teachings of Christ Jesus, we can learn to be mindful of His presence, learn from His wisdom, and become a people who live according to His will. This way we can be prepared to enter into our eternal glory with our Holy God. And it should be duly noted that it is not by our best efforts that we fulfill our purpose. It is only by His power that we can experience a real transformed life that glorifies God. Obeying, talking and walking with Him daily benefits us in so many ways. The fresh insights that God gives us helps us to see issues from His perspective. You’ll discover that you really can’t do this life without God, which will intensify Your love for Him.

The bottom line is that we need our Creator for more than just saving us. God helps us to do life in a manner that we can be proud of as will build meaningful relationships and work together for the good of all humanity. The more we unite, the larger the poll of believers who will be there at the finish line with you.

