A person walking down the road towards three crosses.

1. Start Your Journey Here

Step by step: If you decide to accept Christ into your heart by faith, then with an honest repented heart, ask God to forgive you of your past and present sins, and He will do it.

Spending quality time with God in prayer, worship, praise, reading the Bible is by far the greatest action you can take immediately to get started on building a secure foundation in Him. Let God lead you to the right place and the right people who can mentor you and help you cultivate your relationship with God according to His word.

Be willing and ready. While there are many enticing things you can do, you should first ask God what would He prefer for you to do. Don’t waste precious time on selfish desires or deceitful ambitions. Instead get involved in community efforts. Ask God to open the door for you to meet people who are rooted in His Word and are genuinely seeking His wisdom, heart and mind with love and a passion to lead unbelievers to God through faith in Christ. Routinely, you must read your bible, but it also helps to attend bible studies and weekly church services. This way you can compare what you’re taught with what the Word actually says. By devoting yourself to quality conversations with God about your findings, and any questions or concerns you have about them, you are opening the line of communication for God’s Holy Spirit within you to teach, guide, and lead you to God’s Word of Truth. That is one of His duties towards God’s believers. Don’t spend too much time over thinking things, sometimes people just share what they have learned, heard or feel and sometimes those things are nonbiblical. So trust God’s word over anything anyone else says.

Learn Godly qualities and characteristics. Follow the example of Jesus as a wise and humble servant of God. He is the ultimate example we have of God’s love for us manifested throughout all the generations.

Prayer Is Always The Solution Before Action. When in doubt, fear, confused, or hurt always bring your thoughts to God in prayer and asked Him to protect, guide, teach, provide, correct, lead, and forgive you for any offenses given or taken throughout your day. Go to bed with a clean heart, and a positive outlook for your next day as you trust God is always with you.

